How To Keep Your Tent Off The Ground

Why Its Important to Keep Your Tent Off The Ground

Keeping your tent off the ground is crucial for a variety of reasons, including heat loss prevention and protection from moisture. When camping, the ground can have a significant impact on your comfort and overall camping experience. By elevating your tent off the ground, you can mitigate these issues and ensure a more enjoyable outdoor adventure.

Heat Loss

One of the primary reasons for keeping your tent off the ground is to minimize heat loss. The ground tends to be colder than the air, especially during the night or in colder climates. When your tent comes into direct contact with the ground, it allows heat to conduct away from your body, resulting in discomfort and potential health risks. By using a groundsheet or a camping mat to elevate your tent, you create a barrier between your body and the cold ground, reducing heat transfer and helping to retain warmth inside the tent.

Protection From Moisture

Another significant advantage of keeping your tent off the ground is protection from moisture. Ground moisture can seep into your tent, leading to dampness, condensation, and potential water damage. This can be particularly problematic during rainy or humid conditions. By placing a groundsheet or a tarp underneath your tent, you provide an additional layer of defense against moisture, preventing it from permeating through the tent floor. This helps to keep the interior of your tent dry and comfortable, protecting your gear and ensuring a more enjoyable camping experience.

Bug Prevention

Moreover, elevating your tent off the ground can also help to keep bugs, insects, and other small creatures at bay. Placing your tent directly on the ground makes it easier for insects to find their way inside, potentially disrupting your sleep and causing discomfort. By using a raised platform, camping cot, or even just a camping mat, you create an additional obstacle that insects would have to overcome, reducing the likelihood of unwanted visitors in your sleeping area.

Elevate Yourself

Camping Cot

One of the simplest and most popular ways to keep your tent off the ground is by using a camping cot. These portable beds provide a sturdy elevated platform that keeps you above the cold and damp ground. Camping cots come in various sizes and styles, and they offer the added benefit of storage space underneath for your gear. With a camping cot, you can sleep comfortably, away from moisture and potential creepy crawlies.


For lightweight and minimalist camping, hammocks are a fantastic alternative to traditional tents. Hanging your hammock between trees not only keeps you off the ground but also offers a unique and serene sleeping experience. Ensure you choose a hammock with a built-in bug net to protect yourself from insects. Additionally, use a tarp or rainfly above your hammock for added rain protection. Hammocks are particularly suitable for warmer climates and backpacking adventures.

Keep Your Tent Off The Ground

Tent Footprint

A tent footprint serves as a practical solution to keep your tent elevated off the ground, providing multiple benefits that contribute to a more comfortable camping experience. Firstly, a tent footprint helps to trap heat within the tent, thereby preventing heat loss. When your tent is directly in contact with the ground, it allows heat to conduct away from the tent floor, resulting in a colder interior. By placing a tent footprint underneath the tent, it acts as an insulating layer, trapping air and creating a barrier that reduces heat transfer. This insulation helps to maintain a warmer and cozier environment inside the tent, especially during chilly nights or in colder climates.

Furthermore, a tent footprint serves as an effective means to keep your tent off the wet ground. Camping in areas with high humidity, rainy conditions, or damp terrain can pose a risk of moisture seeping into your tent. A tent footprint acts as a waterproof barrier, preventing ground moisture from penetrating through the tent floor. It acts as a protective shield, keeping the interior dry and comfortable. By keeping your tent off the wet ground, you can avoid potential discomfort and damage caused by moisture, ensuring a more pleasant camping experience.

Additionally, a tent footprint helps to create a barrier against bugs and insects. When your tent is in direct contact with the ground, it becomes easier for crawling critters to access the interior of your tent. By placing a tent footprint underneath, you add an extra layer of defense that insects must overcome. This can help keep your sleeping area free from unwanted guests, allowing you to rest peacefully without the annoyance of bugs and insects.

Tent Platform

tent platform to keep your tent off the ground

Creating a tent platform is a very effective way of keeping a tent off the ground but is only useful for long-term camping.


A tent platform offers several benefits by keeping you off the ground during your camping adventures. Firstly, it provides enhanced comfort by creating a level and stable surface for your sleeping area. Instead of dealing with uneven or rocky terrain, a tent platform allows you to sleep more comfortably, free from discomfort or pressure points caused by the ground. Additionally, a platform provides insulation by elevating you above the cold ground, preventing heat loss and maintaining a warmer interior temperature inside the tent. This insulation is particularly valuable during colder weather or in areas with a chilly climate. Furthermore, a tent platform protects you from moisture by keeping you away from wet or damp ground. This helps to prevent moisture from seeping through the tent floor, keeping the interior of your tent dry and comfortable. By staying off the ground, you also minimize the risk of encountering crawling insects or pests, providing a more peaceful and bug-free sleeping environment. Overall, a tent platform ensures a more comfortable, insulated, and protected camping experience, allowing you to fully enjoy your time in the great outdoors.